If you just take the amount of muscle mass as a parameter, it probably has a pretty weak correlation with powerlifting total. There are many, many reasons for this:
1. that smaller person has specially trained the muscles needed for those particular lifts more whereas the larger mass of the bigger person is not optimally where powerlifting strength is generated from
2. that smaller person has a biomechanical advantage on those lifts due to body structure or muscle insertions (i.e. even if a person with longer arms has more muscle strength in their triceps, shoulders and pecs, he’she might still have a weaker bench 1 rep max due to having to raise the bar a much longer distance compared to a lifter with short arms)
3. that smaller person has larger relative amount of fast-twitch fibers compared to the bigger person (mostly genetically determined)
4. that smaller person can recruit a larger amount of working muscle fibers due to training style and genetics
5. that smaller person has better powerlifting technique
6. that smaller person has primarily trained for strength whereas the bigger person has trained for mass
etc. etc. etc.
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