eli5: Why and how Pyrite forms perfect squares when becoming solid?


eli5: Why and how Pyrite forms perfect squares when becoming solid?

In: Earth Science

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because that’s the crystaline form od pyrite, the atoms arrange themselves in a lattice that has a cubic/isometric form. Salt does the same.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you have a set of those magnetic marbles. As you put 8 of them together, they form a cube. Add 19 more and it’s still a cube. Keep adding… it will always form a cube.

The atoms in pyrite prefer to form cubes, so no matter how big the crystal gets, it will always be a cube (if the crystal is perfect).

Why a cube? This has to do with the electronic nature of the specific atoms. Other materials form different shapes. Salt also makes cubes. Diamond (carbon) makes octahedrons. Silica (the stuff in sand) makes a particular shape that has a hexagonal cross section and pointy ends. Etc.