eli5: Why are babies (including animals)so curious and playful, but lose it over time?


We see it all the time. Curious babies, friendly babies. Puppies, baby primates, elephants. They’re just so curious and interested and carefree.

This can lead to some trouble, which leads me to the question,
Why is it so widespread across mammals?
What has kept young animals to behave this way, but lose it as they grow up? Not to say adults never play or are no fun, but it’s extremely prominent along young ones.

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a mixture of two main things:

1. The newer you are to life, the more things are unknown to you. Every day brings exciting discoveries, unlike when you’re older and most things you see on the daily, you saw and understood yesterday too.

2. The older you get, the more disappointing things you’ve seen, the more upsetting things you’ve seen, and also you’ve become quite jaded about life. Your sense of self has developed to a degree that you’re self critical. You see things through a judgmental lens instead of a curious one.

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