eli5: Why are caffeinated energy drink dangerous unlike coffee which is safe


I often hear that an energy drink is dangerous and will cause problems in the longterm while I don’t hear anything about coffee

Both contains caffeine, although an energy drinks gives much more energy and focus

In: 7

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think a lot of people never consider any dangers because it’s marketed a lot like other soft drinks. I never really liked coffee, but I’ve always been a soda drinker. For like 6 or 7 months, I’d get two 16 oz energy drinks (2 for $3) every morning on my way to work and drink them both, usually within my first hour of work. All of that caffeine didn’t keep me awake, but I was irritable as hell and my boss pulled me aside one day to ask me what my problem was. I quit for a while after that. I started having one every morning at work again a few years ago, and only quit because of lockdown in 2020.

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