eli5: Why are caffeinated energy drink dangerous unlike coffee which is safe


I often hear that an energy drink is dangerous and will cause problems in the longterm while I don’t hear anything about coffee

Both contains caffeine, although an energy drinks gives much more energy and focus

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10 Answers

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There’s various elements that make Energy drinks “dangerous”.

1) They usually contain 2 to 3 times the caffeine of regular coffee. While that in itself isn’t particularly bad for most healthy adults we go to point 2

2) Energy drinks contain a variety of other “energy enhancing” ingredients. They include, but are not limited to: Taurine, Niacin, Guarana, Ginseng, extra Sugar, etc. While none of these by itself, and in moderation are particularly bad, again for most healthy adults, the next problem then comes to point 3

3) Marketing & ease of over consumption. These drinks are marketed as drinks for pretty much every occasion that you may need energy. Problem is, that’s just about anything you do, and cool sports players and gamers all drink it. It’s also very flavorful and easy to chug. There’s more than several cases of people drinking several of these a day, for extended periods of time, leading to potential health problems from irregular, and prolonged, elevated heart rates, among other issues.

In the beginning, there wasn’t a real obvious, known problem. But at least now there’s been warnings of being careful over consuming them.

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