eli5: Why are caffeinated energy drink dangerous unlike coffee which is safe


I often hear that an energy drink is dangerous and will cause problems in the longterm while I don’t hear anything about coffee

Both contains caffeine, although an energy drinks gives much more energy and focus

In: 7

10 Answers

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A typical energy drink contains as much caffeine as 2 cups of coffee, and is a cocktail of various things like Sugar, B vitamins, ginseng, guarana, etc depending on the particular recipe.

The big concerns with energy drinks are two fold. One they are a relatively new product so we don’t really know the long term effects of consuming them in large quantities, and Two a typical can contains more than a single healthy serving.

Energy drinks are often sold in large cans that contain an arguably unhealthy amount of the product inside. Where I’m from some of the cans even say on the label that a suggested serving is less than half the can…

Due to heavy marketing energy drinks have become extremely popular and while drinking one every once in a while is fine there are people that chug a whole bunch of them back-to-back in a single afternoon.

That much sugar alone isn’t healthy for you, let alone the caffeine and everything else in them.

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