eli5: Why are caffeinated energy drink dangerous unlike coffee which is safe


I often hear that an energy drink is dangerous and will cause problems in the longterm while I don’t hear anything about coffee

Both contains caffeine, although an energy drinks gives much more energy and focus

In: 7

10 Answers

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Coffee’s effective ingredient is caffeine and not much else. It’s well known how much caffeine is in brewed coffee or expresso and the amount is listed in packaged products. Therefore, it’s easy to know how much you’re drinking and the effects on your body.

Energy drinks have caffeine and a lot of other ingredients such as taurine, guarana, kola nuts, yerba mate, glucuronolactone, B vitamins, and ginseng in all different concentrations based on the brand. Each of these ingredients are not as well studied as caffeine and is difficult to study when combined with all the other ingredients. They can have unknown impacts on your health in the short and long term.

A while back, some energy drinks also contained alcohol. The burst of energy from the drink cancelled out the alcohol’s effects, causing people to drink more than they should and cause alcohol poisoning.

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