eli5: Why are caffeinated energy drink dangerous unlike coffee which is safe


I often hear that an energy drink is dangerous and will cause problems in the longterm while I don’t hear anything about coffee

Both contains caffeine, although an energy drinks gives much more energy and focus

In: 7

10 Answers

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Coffee isn’t really SAFE, you don’t really hear much about coffee from a health perspective relative to energy drinks for a few reasons.

1. Caffeine content. By volume, they’re actually about the same but energy drinks tend to be packaged in larger volumes (16oz vs 8oz for a standard cup of coffee). Additionally they’re a lot easier to chug than hot coffee. For example, a cup of coffee will have around 95mg of caffeine, whereas a 16oz monster is about 210mg.

2. Sugar and other additives in many energy drinks. Sure, lots of people buy several hundred calorie vaguely coffee concoctions, but that’s typically not what people mean when they talk about “coffee”.

3. Coffee has centuries worth of cultural acceptance behind it – energy drinks are a pretty modern invention.

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