eli5: Why are flights with a layover in a certain city sometimes cheaper than flights to that same city?


Let’s say for example I live in Los Angeles and a United airlines flight from LAX to JFK with a layover in DFW is $500 but that same flight from LAX to DFW is $600. How did I save $100 by adding an extra flight?

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9 Answers

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Airline flight prices are absurdly inconsistent in so many ways, and ultimately come down to what they think you’ll pay, not what it’s actually worth.

On that note, I worked with a guy who travelled nearly year round, and was always booking flights. He said that if you are booking a round-trip flight from A->B then B->A, if you have a layover each way, you can book A->X->B, B->A->Y, where Y can be anything which is cheaper than just B->A, and then skip the A->Y leg . But don’t try it on the first half, because if you skip X->B the airline usually assumes you are a no-show and will cancel the rest of your itinerary.

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