eli5 Why are humans so scared/disgusted by bugs?


This question just popped up in my mind after being scared by the tiniest of spiders. It’s such a universal fear yet it’s completely irrational, in most cases atleast.

There’s very little most insects can do to you, unless you live in Australia lol.

So why are we so scared of something that we can just kill with one slap.

Is it socialisation? Some primal instinct?

In: Biology

9 Answers

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I think this is social convention. Bugs are seen as dirty. You grew up watching your parents, teachers, people on tv avoid bugs and equate them with disease and squalour. You subconsciously picked up this association.

I suppose the question is do people living in uncontacted tribes in the rainforest show fear or disgust of bugs? Probably not, aside from one’s the know are dangerous or signs of decay. But who knows.

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