eli5 why are manhole covers in the middle of the road and not on the sidewalk?


eli5 why are manhole covers in the middle of the road and not on the sidewalk?

In: 622

19 Answers

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I think the city determines placement. The parents of a school friend had property they were developing. They made streets and service tunnels. All services had to be underground but power and communications were under the sidewalk with man holes on one side of the street. The pipes we’re about 24 inch across and had bunkers for the workers to access junctions for maintenance. Tees were installed for each property edge. Deeper were the water and sewer pipes capped at the property edge but down the middle of the road with manholes for the sewer. Storm drains were above the power then dipped down to a common drainage down the middle of the street and gas lines were the shallowest down one side of the street but installed by the gas company on one side of the street and teed off to the property edge.

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