eli5 why are manhole covers in the middle of the road and not on the sidewalk?


eli5 why are manhole covers in the middle of the road and not on the sidewalk?

In: 622

19 Answers

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Some might have been initially on the side of the road, but if the road had been widened, altered, or lanes added, they would no longer be on the side of the road.

Also, there are several different utilities trying to use the same right-of-way. You could have water, sewer, drainage, electrical, and communication all having their own infrastructure in the ground. All would have their own manholes for access.

Also, in larger cities or communities, if a conduit system filled up then extra manhole systems would be added in whatever space was available.

And lastly, it depends on what is under the ground. Utilities will not want to blast through bedrock or ledge and will prefer to place their infrastructure in soil.

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