Eli5 why are many civil rights groups against public video surveillance and facial recognition?


Edit, I wanna preface this question with the fact my bike was stolen from right next to a camera. The theft is on tape but the perp wasn’t identified

In: Culture

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Semi-worst case scenario: Let’s say that you protest against the current administration, and one day the administration decides it wants to play dirty and lock up a bunch of the opposition. You’ve been out and demonstrating. Your face has been matched. You are now a target. They arrest you for some bullshit charge and throw you in jail, at least until the election is over.

You might say “Oh that’s crazy that’ll never happen” but… why not? What is stopping it from happening? If all the protesters are saying that they didn’t do what they say they did, well, how often do ordinary people listen to accused criminals protest their innocence these days? Too many people are still blindly trustful of those labels to separate people, and wouldn’t know how to tell the difference between an actual threat to real people, and a political opponent who’s in custody to keep them from gaining more power and influence.

We’ve seen it happen other places, and it’s getting to the point that a lot of people are more than happy to let some constitutional rights get violated if it means their agenda gets furthered.

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