Eli5: Why are most public toilets plumbed directly to the water supply but home toilets have the tank?


Eli5: Why are most public toilets plumbed directly to the water supply but home toilets have the tank?

In: 4741

69 Answers

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Tankless toilets require very high pressure to operate, similar to the ones like cities that carry high volumes of water.

So you have the cost element of the pipes and pumps for each individual house. The cost of running the pumps adds up quickly.

The tank creates enough flow that it can push most things through the toilets plumbing. It does this without electricity. Now if your waste management uses electricity that’s different.

You also have a maintenance issue with high pressure plumbing. It require more servicing and is more expensive due to more complicated repairs.

Also some public toilets do have a tank it’s just hidden behind the wall. Just depends on the location and architect.

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