[ELI5] Why are our eyes sometimes blurry within the hour or so after we have woken up from a night’s sleep? Why is it sometimes one eye more than the other?


[ELI5] Why are our eyes sometimes blurry within the hour or so after we have woken up from a night’s sleep? Why is it sometimes one eye more than the other?

In: Biology

3 Answers

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Optometrist here:

The answer here can be for a variety of different reasons or any combination of reasons. Some of these include:

– eyes drying out at night. Many people sleep with their eyes partially open. This causes the surface of the eyes to dry out. A dry surface is blurry.

– Change in shape of the eye: if you typically sleep face down, your cornea is likely to become deformed as you sleep and it takes several minutes to a couple of hours for it to return to a normal shape

– Changes in blood sugar: for diabetics, vision can fluctuate with blood sugar level changes. If your blood sugar is drastically different in the morning when you wake up than it is most of the rest of the day, this is likely to cause vision changes.

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