eli5: why are there automotive regulations between different markets?


ex. Why does Japan give the USA the naturally aspirated and sometime lesser quality compared to their market. Why not share it’s essentially the same car? this may be stupid.

In: Other

6 Answers

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It takes money to re-engineer a car for a different market. The highest quality models might not sell enough to make it worth it, and in addition, it might cost too much to re-engineer those models for markets with different requirements. In the US/Canada markets, in the 70’s and 80’s there was a push for bumpers to withstand 5mph impacts without breaking the car. This required a lot of companies to re-engineer their front bumpers to be big ugly pushbars, and any imported car needed those big bumpers too. Nowadays, most cars can do this without having ugly ass protrusions, though some supercars will technically come with these hyper ugly mini bumpers that are designed to be removed upon sale. As a result, its become fairly popular to install european spec bumpers to some cars in america to get rid of the ugly look.

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