eli5: why are there no hurricanes in europe?


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11 Answers

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Hurricanes only form under certain conditions. Once formed, they can move in any direction. This is why Baja California and the pacific coast of Mexico get hurricanes.

One of the two things hurricanes need to form is heat from warm ocean water. They can’t form if the water is too far north because the water is too cold. They will die out if they go too far north.

The other thing they need is spin from the earth and they don’t get it down by the equator.

As a result, you don’t get hurricanes in the equatorial band or farther north where the water is cold.

The reason you see hurricanes along the east coast and not California is that the Gulf Stream keeps water warmer farther up the coast. The reason you don’t see hurricanes in Europe is that it’s even farther north and colder than people realize.

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