eli5 Why are there still no permanent analgesics or similar?


How come with all the advancements we have today there are still no permanent treatments for pain?

In: Chemistry

4 Answers

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One reason is that your body gets used to it and it may just cancel it out.

Another is that your liver will always get rid of all substances in your blood, so whatever drug you take will be destroyed sooner or later.

Last, for practicality: I personally did skateboard and snowboard very frequently for some years. I got so used to get hurt that my body was masking it out, almost completely. It’s not nice. I prefer the pain. It’s difficult to explain how it feels, but imagine you fall on your back from a jump 15 meter long and 6 meters high, and you feel nothing. And you stay there on the ground trying to guess if you are hurt or not and where, you are sure to have taken a big hit but you have no clue how bad it is. it’s an awful feeling.

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