Weeds are super tough plants that can survive almost anywhere. They have special adaptabilities that help them live even when things are not so good, like when it’s very hot, or there’s not a lot of water or good soil. Desirable plants, like flowers, are a bit more delicate. They need specific conditions to grow well, like the right amount of sunlight, water, and good soil. If any of these things are missing, the flowers may not be able to survive. So, when you try to eliminate weeds, they can be hard to kill because they are used to tough conditions and have developed special abilities to stay alive. But when you want to keep your pretty flowers healthy, you must take extra care to give them the conditions they need, or they might not survive.
Seeds grow in very specific climates, pH and moisture levels.
Most of the time you are getting to plant something that requires a different pH, moisture level and light level.
Look up that weed and what it likes to grow in them find a plant that has those same requirements.
It isn’t like trying to grow a tropical plant in the Midwest. V unless it is something like Jerusalem artichokes that can basically grow anywhere, you need to match the needs of the plant
I’ll put in a plug for this phenomenal comment from /u/suuperdad
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