Eli5: Why aren’t liquids allowed on planes when the plane sells drinks? If it’s a private plane, am I allowed to bring drinks?


Eli5: Why aren’t liquids allowed on planes when the plane sells drinks? If it’s a private plane, am I allowed to bring drinks?

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12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you own the plane you can bring anything you want.
If you do not own the plane you can only bring what the plane owner or the Pilot In Command will allow.

For example, I travel with the owner of a company regularly and he owns the planes we travel in. He brings his guns, and ammunition with him without issue since he owns the plane.

I bring single malt Scotch whiskey because the owner allows me to bring my chosen drink to consume after we are done wherever we might be.

Mind you we do NOT go through the regular airport terminal, we go through a private terminal that does not check for such things as they are not required in the private/gneral aviation side.

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