Eli5: Why brain tumors/cancer exists if brain cells don’t perform mitosis neither regenerate themselves?


As fas as I know, cancer develops after a mistake during mitosis pass unnoticed for both from both the own cell mechanism of regulation and the inmunitary system. But this does not apply to brain cells because they don’t do mitosis yet you can develop cancer in the brain, so how?.

In: Biology

3 Answers

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You’re absolutely right: most tumors in the brain don’t arise from neurons, but from various other cell types: meninges (meningioma), support cells (astrocytoma/glioma, oligodendroglioma, schwannoma), tumors arising from embryonal cell populations (medulloblastoma), from the cells lining the brain’s ventricles (ependymoma), cell arising from embryonic cartilage cell remnants (chordoma, chondroma, chondrosarcoma).

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