ElI5 Why can a human’s wounds heal with minimal scarring but we can’t regrow limbs like a starfish


ElI5 Why can a human’s wounds heal with minimal scarring but we can’t regrow limbs like a starfish

In: Biology

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The cells that make up your skin are prolific. They will continue to grow until they touch each other.

Bone cells aren’t as fast in their growth, and they generally bridge gaps, as skin does…they are not programmed to create a new bone in the shape of an old one)

Muscle cells and other specialized tissues (nerves, lymphatic system, blood vessels, cartilage, tendons, ligaments) do not grow in this way. Once destroyed, some can compensate (vascular changes to create compensatory blood flow) and others never recover (from my recollection, lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels, once gone, are gone for good)