[ELI5] Why can computers not make curves?


Every 3D modelling software simply uses a series of flat polygons, small enough to appear curved, to created spheres etc. Why? Why can technology even today find it easier to render literally millions of little triangles, than just one curve?

In: Technology

16 Answers

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They can make curves. However rarely do you as a user see them. In that I mean it is easier and more efficient to draw a curve as segments that connect. There is less math involved this way and remember a computer is ultimately an advanced calculator.

So let’s say you want to draw a circle using points. Well how many points do you want. Technically there are infinite number of points that can be used and always still be an open object as there is a gap between them. However using lines, let’s say it takes 360 (or 1 per degree) to “appear” on screen as a smooth shape, the computer can quickly calculate this and it is now a closed shape.

Where this gets tricky is when using a computer to make something in real life. Say on a CNC machine on various types. Even though you drew a circle that was represented with lines, the computer still knows its a circle. There are g-codes that allow machines to create circles, thus in the real world, you are back to having a circle.

Now there are cases and softwares that are designed for this and they to can make true arcs and circles. However they also have the logic in them to delineate what the shape is and how to treat it (open or closed).

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