Eli5: Why can you only pop your knuckles once? 389 viewsDecember 31, 2023 Question100.55K September 12, 2023 0 Comments Why is it that when you pop your knuckles or other joints you can only do it once and then they won’t pop again for a while? I know that the pop is from a gas bubble forming and cavitating but why candy you do it a second time? In: 20 3 Answers ActiveNewestOldest Anonymous Posted September 12, 2023 0 Comments What is popping is a small gas bubble. Once it’s popped there’s no more bubbles, and you need to wait for more to form This is a good short vid explaining it Anonymous Posted September 12, 2023 0 Comments I can actually pop the first joints in both pointer fingers as often as I want with no refractory period. Am I a mutant? Anonymous Posted September 12, 2023 0 Comments I have a toe that pops repeatedly. Probably something to do with breaking it a few times skateboarding. Register or Login
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