eli5: Why can’t countries that want to build Nukes build Nukes? Especially since several countries built them, some 75+ years ago


eli5: Why can’t countries that want to build Nukes build Nukes? Especially since several countries built them, some 75+ years ago

In: Engineering

12 Answers

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Initially only a few powerful nations had the permission to build nuclear weapons. US, Russia , China etc. After the Indo – China war India started to develop our own nuclear weapons but was stopped by the CIA and the second time the CIA officials actually came to India with proof collected from their spy satellites.

India continued to make nuclear warhead over the next few years evading the US spy satellites and tested the warheads known as the Pokhran tests. After the tests were concluded CIA director apologised to the American public.

Short 5 min youtube clip :https://youtu.be/Rz6a_tXVP7c

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