eli5: Why can’t countries that want to build Nukes build Nukes? Especially since several countries built them, some 75+ years ago


eli5: Why can’t countries that want to build Nukes build Nukes? Especially since several countries built them, some 75+ years ago

In: Engineering

12 Answers

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To add, it is also a geopolitical issue. Building nueclear weapons is highly threatening to your neighbors and violates a number of intentional treaties. There is a good chance you will end up isolated and sanctioned like North Koera and Iran. Or worse, just invaded during development, like Iraq or Libia. Most countries find that developing an alliance with a nuclear power gives sufficient protection without the massive international blow back. There is a reason the push in Ukrain to defend itself from Russia is to join NATO, not build a nuclear arsenal. It’s sort of a isolated basket case country that wants them to begin with.

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