eli5 Why can’t human eyes see anything smaller than 100 microns in size?


What is the sciene behind that? Why can’t people see cells with naked eyes and need a microscope for that and other very small things?

Does it have to do with the anatomy of the eye?

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Yes! It has to do with your photoreceptors and your lens. Photoreceptors are small cells which are able to translate light to a signal in your neurons. You focus the light on to receptors but to make an image more than one receptor has to send a signal to a neuron for it to activate. You are limited by the amount of receptors and your ability to focus the light. If you look at something small your eye has to work hard to send all the light to the right places and create a sharp realistic image.

Imagine the difference in detail of something closely and something far away. If it is very small, you lose all the details because you cannot tell where they are exactly.