Eli5: Why cant trucks accelerate as fast as cars?


For example:
Model 3:
Weight: 3,000lbs
0->60mph: 3.2 sec
Torque: 376lbft

Ram 3500:
Weight: 7,000 lbs
0->60mph: 10 sec
Torque: 660 lbft

I see that the weight doubles, but so does the torque. And the acceleration is roughly 3x’s as slow.

In: Engineering

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Simply because they arent designed to. You cant judge performance by specs.

Also electric motors can ramp up the torque very quickly where it’s a lot slower for gas engines. So the model three can hit peak torque from the get go where as the ram needs to ramp up the engine rpms to do it and that takes a few seconds.

The ram is designed more for towing.

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