ELi5 Why can’t we build massive transnational water pipelines (like with oil) to transport water from large fresh water sources to drier areas?


Obviously this wouldn’t relieve the issues caused by low snowpack and decreasing precipitation, but it could supplement the water used for everyday living or agriculture during times of drought right?

In: 6

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The amount of water necessary in drier areas wouldn’t be satisfied and the fresh water source would dry up.

Fresh water lakes all over the world (most notably the Aral Sea) are drying up as it is, without adding additional stress.

The cost for installing this is also incredibly high. The investment in gas pipes makes sense for businesses, as they profit immensely from selling gas. However, water is a rather cheap commodity, so spending all that money to transport water that you’ll need to sell at higher rates will never fly.

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