Eli5: why can’t we burn all our garbage and filter out all the toxic fumes?


I understand it’s probably a more complex issue, but could it be similar to a 4th grade science project where you filter water through a bottle with a variety of rocks, sticks, moss etc?

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15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We can and we do, in waste incineration plants (sometimes called waste-to-energy plants). Usually non-flamable garbage like rubble and metal is sorted out and then rest can be burned. Biohazard garbage is only burned, it is illegal to do anything else with it.

Proper waste managment is:
1. Avoiding waste production,
2. Re-using (like cleaning glass bottle to be used again),
3. Recycling (like using smashed glass bottle as a raw material for glass production),
4. Using waste as fuel (that is the step you are asking about),
5. Proper and safe storage (landfill);

So in other words we try to organise our waste managment everywhere where it is economically viable in such a way, that every type of waste that can be burned and cannot be reclaimed as a material/ raw resource is in fact being burned.

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