ELI5, why can’t we convert sound to electrical energy for use? I know microphones convert sound to electrical signals but why is producing energy from waste sound not viable?


ELI5, why can’t we convert sound to electrical energy for use? I know microphones convert sound to electrical signals but why is producing energy from waste sound not viable?

In: Physics

7 Answers

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Quantity and efficiency.

Wind and Solar could be done EN MASS. Renewable resource isn’t exactly renewable, YES the source of power is there, but what about the equipment needed to generate enough power to justify it?

And generally, the weaker the force, the smaller the device needs to be to be actually moved to generate electricity signal. And thus more device is needed, if you want less device, then you need a stronger source of power.

One way to generate is via water, fill a tub with water, use sound to make waves then use the motion to create energy, now look at how much noise you need, its just not feasible.

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