Eli5 why cant we create video game graphics as good as cinematics? shouldnt the texturing be the same as making video games?


Eli5 why cant we create video game graphics as good as cinematics? shouldnt the texturing be the same as making video games?

In: Technology

8 Answers

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The thing about 3D movies is that they are done in a few steps. Create high resolution models and environment, animate the models, record the scenes, the transfer to 2D frames for the movie. Each different scene is made separately and put together eventually to make the final movie.

This make the movie high quality and smooth in the end, as they can adjust the movie frame by frame too if need be, thereby, they can remove the lag.

In the game, you can’t have that high resolution model and environment without lagging due to poor optimization. And the average player does not have movie studio quality beefy PC.

In fact, I bet if a game with movie quality models and textures are made, even a gaming pc will struggle to run it.

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