Eli5: Why cant we resuscitate people with enough electric shocks?


Like say someone is perfectly healthy but their heart stops and they don’t get to the hospital in time. Why is it impossible to “turn them back on” through electricity? Especially since we figure the brain is just electrical impulses. Why can’t we jolt it back?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The brain is very sensitive to low oxygen because it’s very energy intensive. As little as 5 min without sufficient oxygen will lead to brain cells dying. That’s why you’ll see doctors jump straight into Chest compression and CPR, it’s done so that before medical help or support arrives, the brain doesn’t lose enough oxygen or it will die and you’ll have a vegetable.

Also, as u/A_Garbage_Truck also mentioned, paddles just correct the rhythm in your heart. It doesn’t exactly start it once it’s stopped. It synchronizes the heart’s beat so the contractions can happen more properly fixing blood supply to the body.

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