Eli5: Why cant we use boyle’s law to extract energy from hot air


Things i know:
1. boyle’s law vaguely as; as pressure rises so does temperature.

2.Peltier devices can extract electricity given a large enough temperature differential, are there devices that do this better?

3. Heat pumps can pull heat from cold air on one side and make hot air on the other side.

I know i am missing some major steps here and ifs something ive always wondered about…

In: Physics

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m a bit confused where boyle’s law comes in here.

Yes you could use a heat pump to create a temperature gradient that could power a peltier (thermoelectric generator in this use case) but as neither of those thing are perfectly efficient the energy given from the peltier is less than the energy used by the heat pump.

It’s fundamental impossible to get all the energy technically available from a temperature gradient.

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