eli5 why carbs can be bad for you


eli5 why carbs can be bad for you

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6 Answers

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They aren’t really. Carbs do have an effect on blood sugar levels, so if you’re pre-diabetic or diabetic consistently eating a lot of carbs can cause issues (The CDC recommends not eating more than half your calories from carbs but that’s a general rule and each individual is unique).

Other than that carbs are not bad for you. However, carbs tend to be very calorie-dense, which can make overeating easier. In addition it’s common for high carb foods to use a lot of sugar (many pastries and sweets) and sugar is something you should try to limit.

[link to NHS website to learn more](https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/healthy-weight/why-we-need-to-eat-carbs/)

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