eli5 why chimps are able to easily rip off human arms and faces, despite only being around 1.5 times the strength of an average human


eli5 why chimps are able to easily rip off human arms and faces, despite only being around 1.5 times the strength of an average human

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

An element that comes into factor is that when an animal goes into attack mode or defense mode, 100% of its energies, focus, and attention are on THAT exact moment and action. Animals don’t have the element of distraction that takes away some of our power/strength. We have so many distractions and so much in our minds at any given time we’re never absolutely committing every part of ourselves to a specific activity. When a chimp says it’s go time, he’s not thinking about taxes or if he’ll get arrested by the cops after he rips a human’s face off. He’s only thinking about how he’s feeling and what to do about it.

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