ELI5; why CMP video cards has no resale value?



can someone please explain to me why are this ‘cmp’ cards bad for second hand market?

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

From how I understand it, the mining cards aren’t going to be particularly good for anything besides mining — they won’t come with any output ports, so you can’t game on them, and probably won’t be optimized for pretty much any other use case besides mining. Therefore, they’ll be useful *only* for cryptocurrency mining, and they only have value as long as they’re profitable to mine with.

Once they are no longer profitable to mine with, there is not really much else you can do with it, so it loses its value entirely, whereas with a traditional, older graphics cards, they will still at least keep some of their value for people trying to build a previous-gen gaming PC at a bargain. For example, when the 3080 becomes no longer profitable to mine with, and the 4000 series comes out, you can still game on the 3080 and for many people it’ll probably be good enough.

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