Eli5: Why did a day feel forever at age 10, but now at 25 it feels like 2 hours?


Eli5: Why did a day feel forever at age 10, but now at 25 it feels like 2 hours?

In: Biology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think there are two parts that definitely contribute to this:

1. When you’re young, you’ve lived fewer days of your life than now. One day to a five year old is a greater chunk of that person’s life than a fifty year old, who’s lived several times as many days as the five year old. In addition, when you’re young, you’ve seen less of what life and the world has to offer, so you’re bound to learn new things more often. This leads to part two…

2. Finding new experiences can make you slow down and think about life sometimes, and with each day usually comes the same routines, habits, and expected things. This can feel even faster if you manage to have the same job at the same employer at the same location for most of your life. It’s like how your nose gets used to the smell of your house and starts to ignore it. Eventually you might live your average day on autopilot.

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