Eli5: Why did a day feel forever at age 10, but now at 25 it feels like 2 hours?


Eli5: Why did a day feel forever at age 10, but now at 25 it feels like 2 hours?

In: Biology

7 Answers

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In short : We have no clue exactly why it feels like that

The predominant theory : That day took up a higher percentage of your life at 10 than at 25. One day at 10 is roughly 1/3650th of your life, whereas at 25 one day is roughly 1/9125th of your life. Another factor that plays into it is that at 10 you’re still gaining a lot of knowledge every day, your brain has to record more stuff that may or may not be important later on, but at 25 your life is probably more mundane, you’re falling into a much more consistent routine and your learning isn’t as broad as before.

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