ELi5: Why didn’t europeans die too upon contact with new civilization?


It is widely known that upon contact with new civilization, the indigionous people can be wiped out because they are not immune to our sicknesses; wouldn’t they also have some illness that europeans aren’t immune to?

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32 Answers

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One of the major reasons for this is that the **vast** majority of pandemic level viruses and bacteria come from other animals. Corona viruses having been ravaging humankind of thousands of years. Europeans were constantly sick and dying for several reasons, but chief among them was their proximity to animals. The America’s simply didn’t have the right fauna for animal husbandry or domestication, and so their societies were never as close to animals as Europeans were. So, over the course of several thousand years a ton of viruses and bacteria had jumped the animal-human gap in Europe while in America very few had.

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