ELi5: Why didn’t europeans die too upon contact with new civilization?


It is widely known that upon contact with new civilization, the indigionous people can be wiped out because they are not immune to our sicknesses; wouldn’t they also have some illness that europeans aren’t immune to?

In: 7

32 Answers

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Europe has had connections to Asia and Africa where there was a vast array of different germs and diseases mingling. This came from trade and migration, from livestock.

That exposure is immunity and resistance. Some antibodies that fight horse flu v2 also work great against spanish goat flu, or African Bovine fleas.

The indigenous didn’t have any exposure to goats and horses, so when goat flu was introduced their system was to busy thinking “what the hell is a goat?

Never having been exposed previously they’re immune systems had no defense.

But when new world pathogens hit Europeans their established resistances and immunities were similar enough to protect them.

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