ELi5: Why didn’t europeans die too upon contact with new civilization?


It is widely known that upon contact with new civilization, the indigionous people can be wiped out because they are not immune to our sicknesses; wouldn’t they also have some illness that europeans aren’t immune to?

In: 7

32 Answers

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There is a video link here, but I will still write it down: Americans had no exposure to domestic animals. Horses, cows, pigs and sheep. And goats.
Because of this, they did not contract and gain immunity to some of the worst diseases like smallpox. Smallpox is also so rough because it has mostly evolved to infect animals first but then jumped to humans, being what is called a zoonotic infection.

As for the other way around, it is speculated that syphilis got transmitted from local American populations and was an epidemic in 16th century Europe.

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