Eli5: Why do all the elements exist?


I have a basic understanding of it. But mostly just from what I learned in high school. Also some from watching Periodic Videos on YouTube. Eli5: But why are there radioactive and other dangerous elements?

In: Chemistry

5 Answers

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Think of matter like a puzzle, where each piece can connect to other nearby pieces only in certain ways. Tab A fits into Slot B, and so forth.

Sometimes, the puzzle pieces fit together very tightly. Sometimes they don’t, and when they don’t, they can fly off and hit other pieces to connect to. Some of those connections result in Very Bad Things.

For instance, you really need Tab A to fit into Slot B, but then Tab C shows up and it fits into Slot B instead. Tab A is pissed off, but it connects to something else. But back over in Slot B, the fact that Tab C connected now creates an opening for Tab X to connect and BLAM you have cancer.

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