eli5 Why do baby teeth need operations


Like why should they need to get fillings, crowns, or be extracted when they’re going to fall out anyways?

I understand if the tooth is causing pain but other then that it seems like a painful waste of money

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My kid had to have several baby teeth removed because they were affecting her permanent teeth that were trying to come in behind them. She’s in braces and will still probably lose one or both second incisors due to her impacted canines damaging their roots.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The teeth are a mainline to your circulatory system, and the bacteria festering in an abcessed tooth will happily hitch a ride in your bloodstream all over your body, including your heart. This is why teeth need to be filled or extracted before the bacteria can rot them out completely and open you up to infection.