Eli5 why do bees create hexagonal honeycombs?


Why not square, triangle or circle?

In: 4542

19 Answers

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Circles do not tessellate, that is you can’t cover an area without gaps or overlap. So you would need lots of wall material or gaps in between that make them impractical.

Hexagons, triangles, and squares do tessellate perfectly so you can have a thin wall between them.

An advantage of circles is you get max internal volume compared to the amount of wall material.

Hexagons are closer to circles compared to triangles, and squares so less material is needed. They will have a smaller amount of wasted volume when a round bee larva is transformed from a pupa to an adult.

Hexagons will be a stronger shape than squares but weaker the triangles.

Tringales will require the most material of the three tessellating shapes in this example and provide the least useful volume of the larva.

So hexagons are for both low material usage, lots of useful space, and is quite strong.

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