Eli5: why do casinos not just shuffle the deck after every hand


Casinos throw people out for counting cards but couldn’t this be made impossible by just shuffling after every hand. I know they make money of people who think they can count but is that the only reason?

In: 14

9 Answers

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Ex online dealer here, led blackjack and roulette.

It’s purely to save time and get as many games as possible out of the shoe. Where I worked we had shufflers, special people doing the shuffling, and the shoe was split in half, so even if you wanted to count, you couldn’t.
I’ve seen people lose with a 20, and win with a 16. It’s all a game of luck and I’ll be honest with you – as long as you play card games online at least, it’s sheer luck and no real skill because there is absolutely no way to predict or count anything.

So yeah, essentially, it is to get as many games as possible out of one shuffle. Proper shuffling takes a lot of time. We used to have times where all shufflers got ill at the same time, and the dealers had to shuffle, and we were timed and our pay was docked if we were “too slow” or dropped a card or literally anything wasn’t perfect.

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