eli5 : Why do cloud move as a whole thing and not dissolve in the wind?


I live in a windy place. Right now, I am looking at clouds moving really fast. But cloud are just water vapor no? So how can they keep their shape and move as a whole piece instead of just being blown away by the wind?

Edit : thank you for all those detailed explanation ! I guess I’ll spend way more time looking at clouds now !!

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You feel wind as something blowing past you. But the column of air is all moving together, and the cloud is simply visible suspended particles of water within that column.

Look closely to clouds, especially if they are well-defined and have that cauliflower look, before they start to pull apart like cotton candy. While they are still sharp, if you focus on one spot you can actually see them expanding like slow mushroom clouds. It’s very cool.

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