Eli5: Why do companies like Snapchat, Uber, Google, etc. need thousands of engineers when they’re product is already made?


I understand a good portion of them are there to work on new developments, but why does Snapchat need 5,000 software engineers for example? What do they do on a day-to-day basis? Why does Google need 27,000 software engineers when they’re website works fine as is and most of their products and apps have already been made?

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11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s talk about Google Search as it is the easiest example.

The website is only the tip of the iceberg, behind the scenes there’s is an insanely complicated system that is never truly finished – old issues get solved, new features get added, and that causes new problems that need to be fixed. All of that requires a lot of work.

That system does not only cover search in English. Google supports multiple languages, and that too requires works.

And on some markets there’s competition that tries to do search better than google does, which pushes google to improve, which requires work.

On every market there are people trying to figure out google’s algorithm and take advantage of it, which causes endless arms race. And that also requires work.

And that’s just search. But Google is not just search, they have a lot of different projects that need to be worked on, from things we’ve been using for years to experiments that might never be released.

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