Eli5: Why do companies like Snapchat, Uber, Google, etc. need thousands of engineers when they’re product is already made?


I understand a good portion of them are there to work on new developments, but why does Snapchat need 5,000 software engineers for example? What do they do on a day-to-day basis? Why does Google need 27,000 software engineers when they’re website works fine as is and most of their products and apps have already been made?

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11 Answers

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monitor user behavior to identify hackers and bots, find better ways to keep them out without inconveniencing legitimate users. That is pretty much a constant arms race.

Keep an eye on servers to make sure they do not get overloaded. Fix whatever caused the overload. New features create new ways for server to get overloaded.

Find better ways to show ads to users. Compensate for continued improvement of ad blockers.

Respond to customer service tickets are turned out to be technical glitches. Both resolving the issue for user who submitted a ticket, and preventing same thing from happening again, which requires figuring out how and why it happened in the first place.

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