Eli5: Why do companies use the products of Oracle to store information, when they can just use spreadsheets like Excel, or make their own spreadsheet software?


I just can’t seem to comprehend how Oracle can be so wealthy off of making a database when it’s theoretically easy for a company to store its own information.

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13 Answers

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>when they can just use spreadsheets like Excel

Excel and similar spreadsheet software works fine for storing small datasets but it is not designed or intended to work on the massive volumes of data that large (or frankly, even small) companies need for day-to-day operations. We’re not just talking about the amount of data, but how much new data is being added to it on a daily/hourly/secondly basis (in data science, this is called “velocity”).

>or make their own spreadsheet software?

This is sort of like asking “why would I buy a car from Ford when I could build one in my garage?” The answer is usually some combination of “I don’t have the tools or expertise to do it myself,” “if I spent all my time making (and maintaining) it myself I wouldn’t have time to do anything else,” and “someone else has already designed, built, and tested it, why should I redo all of that work?”

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